

Plugin Settings

Menu Utama Ads Booster :

  1. Penguat Iklan
  2. Buat Iklan
  3. KelolaAdsBooster
  4. Lalu Lintas Log

Baiklah, mari kita bahas masing-masing settingnya satu per satu.

1.        Ads Booster

1.1. Mode demo

Poin pertama untuk setting Ads Booster. Langkah pertama silahkan arahkan ke DEMO MODE

kotak teks >> Opsi Ya/Tidak.


  1. Fungsi dari textbox DEMO MODE hanya untuk memastikan bahwa settingan anda memang benar
  2. berfungsi normal atau sebaliknya. Untuk pengaturan sebenarnya sangat disarankan untuk memilih
  3. Yes = “Iklan Anda ditampilkan dan akan mengikuti pergerakan/pergeseran sesuai dengan
  4. kursor di halaman Penguat Iklan.”
  5. No=”Iklan Anda disembunyikan (Tidak terlihat oleh pengunjung situs web).”


Tester’s IP



In the previous settings, for example, DEMO MODE was selected as “Yes.” Therefore, in such cases, the TESTER’S IP setting must be configured by entering the IP ADDRESS you are currently using. Please copy your IP address listed on the left:

Paste it into the TESTER’S IP text field. The purpose of this setting is to ensure the security of your Ads Booster plugin. Why is that? Well, here, only you have access to view the Ads Booster Demo page.

7.2.  Ad Delay




The Ad delay text field serves to introduce a pause/interval time, calculated from the moment a website visitor accesses the Ads Booster page. The unit used for calculation is seconds. Your ads will appear more naturally in the assessment of PPC NETWORK.

For example: In the interval option of “15 – 30”, if a visitor clicks on the Ads Booster area within the interval before the 15th second, starting the calculation from the moment they enter the Ads Booster page, the ad will still be in the “Off” position, meaning NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER. So, the ad will become active from the 15th to the 30th-second interval.

7.3.   Max daily Boosts





This text field functions as a limit for the maximum total accumulation of clicks in a daily unit or within a daily time period. This setting can adjust the daily traffic amount based on the number of visitors who have accessed the Ads Booster page on your website. It’s important



to note that if the “Unlimited” setting is chosen and the traffic has already reached thousands within a day, it is highly recommended to set a limit on incoming traffic..












7.4.  Templates



The template serves as the graphical user interface (GUI) for the Ads Booster page. Please configure it by selecting one, choosing random, or even using all. This does not affect the performance of the Ads Booster page. The more attractive the template used, the better the results for your revenue can be expected. ☺ (You can also add them manually or customize them according to your preferences.)

7.5.  Ads Booster Chrome Browser




From various sources and cases, it turns out that the Google Chrome browser can detect the presence of Ads Booster. It is recommended to adjust and change it to “No” to avoid visibility of Ads Booster. However, you can run it (yes) occasionally to boost your earnings.



7.6.  Ads Booster Home Page


For the sake of security and to reduce the risk of being banned by PPC NETWORK, it is highly recommended to set it to “No”.



7.7.  Randomly Blank Referrer




In this textbox setting, it is highly recommended to choose “Yes”. Why? This option will automatically set randomization to disguise REFERER TRAFFIC. This setting can assist in making the Ads Booster process appear more natural.

7.8.  Redirect Ads Booster.





The setting in this textbox functions to redirect the incoming traffic to your website, automatically forwarding it to the Ads Booster page entirely. However, it is highly recommended to choose “No” to keep the risk relatively low. (Use it according to your needs and with a more humane approach) OK…!!!☺

  • Daily Boostjacking Rate in Percent (%):





The setting in this textbox is basically similar to the “Max CTR” concept. However, in this setting, it is made more specific with consistent distribution based on a detailed schedule for each day.

7.10.       Restriced IPs







This setting is used to block IPs/IPv6 that you desire or find suspicious, for example, IPs that have visited the Ads Booster page multiple times. You can obtain these IPs in the Bought Traffic Log menu.


  • Restricted IP Range:



This setting is almost the same as Restricted IPs, but it specifically blocks IPv4 addresses.




  • Restricted Referers




By adding a list of URLs that you do not want to undergo the Ads Booster process.

Example: Here, you have added a list from, so all traffic originating from will be forwarded to the “JUNK URL” page.



7.13.  Restriced User Agents




In this stage of settings, there is restriction on “User Agents” accessing the Ads Booster page. The “User Agents” listed here will not be granted access and will be forwarded to the “Junk URL” page. For example: If it’s only for Safari*, visitors using the Safari browser will be forwarded to the Junk URL page.



7.14.  Junk URL


The Junk URL, known for garbage traffic, serves as the destination for forwarding in previous settings in some functions like “RESTRICT REFERER” and “RESTRICT USER AGENTS.” It will be entirely forwarded to the link specified in the Junk URL list.

7.15.                        Filter by Country






This filter list is very helpful in visitor management. The advantage here is that you can control the rights of visitors to perform Ads Booster processes on desired pages or posts. Here, you can specify which countries can access the Ads Booster page or, conversely, target specific niches. This also helps you consider and analyze an estimated CPC generated from ads that have been campaigned previously on the Ads Booster Plugin. (Quite helpful, isn’t it? Please carefully examine and analyze the target niches on your website) ☺

If you have selected or chosen a country, it means you have granted access rights to contribute IMPRESSION and CLICK on the Ads Booster page. What about the countries that are not selected? Well, those that are not selected will be automatically forwarded from the system to a regular post page, a.k.a a normal page of a website. ☺ Wow, it’s simple and powerful…!!!

7.16.                        Filter by Category





In terms of functionality, this setting in the list is exactly the same as point 1.16. If you choose a category from the list, you will use it to engage in the Ads Booster process. Conversely, if not selected, it will not be part of the Ads Booster process.



7.17.  Magic Number, Div Name dan Magic Letters






Another feature that is very helpful for deceiving a search engine (SE) or similar monitoring is using the “FOOTPRINT” facility or eliminating the “FOOTPRINT.” Simply modify some variables in the provided text field. The effect will make your website unique and less easily detected by PPC NETWORK.

Magic Number = In this value, you don’t need to change anything. By default, the text field is equipped with random settings and is automatically generated by the Ads Booster system at every time interval.



Div Name = Here, you are asked to provide a unique value according to your preferences. For example: wpconfigstyle, wpcssforcontent, cssreset, wpclass, and so on…



Magic Letter = You can fill in a unique value with the criteria ONLY consisting of NUMERIC or ALPHABET characters or a combination of both, except punctuation marks.

For example: 123DF, 987HFG, LER3JK





8.        Create Ads



In this form, you can add a new campaign for the Ads Booster page from various PPC NETWORK sources. It can be equipped with PPC NETWORK data that you have determined beforehand for the creation of each Ads Booster ad campaign. Details for creating ad campaigns can be found in the following explanation.

Detail field input :




“Name” = You can freely fill in the name of the Ads Booster ad. (As a description of the campaign name and aimed at facilitating maintenance in an ad format)



“HTML Ad Code” = Where the input process is the PPC NETWORK CODE obtained from the specific settings provided by each PPC NETWORK. (The ad format is flexible, and all sizes are fully supported by Ads Booster)

“HotSpot Coordinates” = You can fill in this setting with the following code: 153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|153,136|






(The function of the hotspot coordinates is to specify the random click coordinates according to the predetermined settings. This can help deceive PPC NETWORK during reviews of click positions.)

“Enable Ad” = Determine whether to activate or deactivate the campaign you have created. If the status is “CHECKED,” the campaign is used; if not, it is not used.

Promotion of Ads Booster Link

In this discussion, we will look at how the Ads Booster plugin works, which has been installed on your WordPress engine. The reality is that this plugin is quite simple and powerful. How is that possible…???? ☺

Okay…, let’s get straight to the point and discuss it. Now, please visit the following page ( Still remember the file named boos.php. In the previous discussion, the mentioned file was asked to be changed as recommended. Adjust the link according to what was modified at the beginning. Okay, let’s continue…!!! What’s its function??? Well, hold on, let’s continue…!!!! ☺



Now, in this discussion, we will talk about traffic. Wait, why suddenly talking about traffic. Yes, just follow along. The good news here is that you won’t be bothered by all traffic sources. Why…??? Yup, this plugin has been configured to deceive PPC NETWORKs against the Ads Booster plugin to stay safe on a WordPress engine. One of the functions of this plugin can differentiate between natural visitors and various bots that have visited our blog. For example: Google’s bots, msn, bing, yahoo, facebook, and so on. This plugin will strive to make your WordPress engine much safer from the reach of bots, especially on the Boos.php page.☺

Summary: “A plugin that has a page where all its workings and techniques are nested to help you increase revenue with BLACKHAT techniques.” ☺

Okay, maybe there are still some unclear points…

So, in simpler terms, you can see it again in the following explanation:



  • Look for a service that allows web links to be easily remembered or shortened. Alternatively, we recommend using short URL plugins as shown in the following



  1. Promote your link on social networking sites, social media platforms, social bookmarking sites, forums, article directories… or you can share it on Facebook, etc.

Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Digg, YouTube, Vimeo, and more…

  1. AIf you have dummy blogs, profile blogs, web profiles, , you can use them as a traffic source to redirect to the installed Ads Booster page on WordPress. Here, it can take the form of AGC, UGC, etc. Black on black is not a problem. ☺

Note: For redirecting to the Ads Booster page, it is recommended to use HTML script snippets, which will then be added to the footer.php section of the theme where Ads Booster is installed. Below are the details of the HTML script snippet:

<meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”3;



Tips Ads Booster Arbitrage

In this technique, we will see how powerful this plugin can be. This approach is commonly used in the buying and selling principles we engage in daily. In this case, you will be advised to purchase traffic at the lowest possible cost to multiply your profits significantly from the initial capital.

Here, you can instantly boost your revenue from a traffic source, ranging from hundreds to thousands or even tens of thousands, all at once, and conveniently pay only a few dollars.

Take note of the following simulation calculation as a reference for your traffic transactions: Initial Capital = Purchase of 1000 visitors = $3

Number of visitors = 1000 visitors

CTR: 2-5% = 1,000 visitors x 5% = 50 clicks (accumulated total clicks on PPC ads)



CPC: $0.3 per click (the value you will receive from the PPC network for each click) Gross income = 50 clicks x 0.3 USD = $15

Daily profit $15 – $3 = $12/day

Monthly profit = $12 x 30 days = $360/month (1 Adsense account)

If you use 20 Adsense accounts/other PPC NETWORKs in the arbitrage technique, it means your potential earnings are approximately $7,200.

To get a traffic source, you can buy traffic from websites that provide traffic services. Make sure that the purchased traffic is real human traffic, not bot traffic.